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View the latest post Attachment(s) Propane Canisters for Cooktop

My 1993 300 Sedan no longer has the original Princess combination electric/alcohol cooktop. I installed a two burner LPG cooktop. See attached photo. I have not installed any gas fittings yet. It is my intention to use Flame King, refillable half-pound LPG canisters which will be under and a couple feet away from the cooktop. The canister will be attached to cut-off valve which then attaches to the regulator from which a 30-inch hose will connect to the unit. I know that propane has to be handled carefully. I also know that the ABYC rules permit using a canister inside if it is not over 8 ounces, and the rules also permit a one-pound canister inside if safely stored outside when not in use. I am a little confused about which regulator to get. The cooktop just says low pressure, 11 WC. Do these regulators vent? If any of you have rigged your galley similarly, your advice is appreciated.


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