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View the latest post Vitrifrigo Refrigerator - AC/DC Converter vs Dual Electronic Box

Hi all,

I’m getting around to replacing our refrigerator and have a question on the model. I did a google search, searched Vitrifrigo’s website, and searched the forum and couldn’t find any info. It seems like Vitrifrigo is a pretty popular brand for replacement refrigerators so I’m hoping someone might have already looked into this.

I’ve narrowed it down to the C115iX OCX2 model, which should fit perfectly in our 325. There are two options for this model as far as how they run on AC and DC power.

The model ending in D3X-1 “Includes an AC converter module that converts 115/230V AC, 50/60Hz, to 24V DC so the product can be powered from an AC power source”. It also says “Power supply: 12/24V DC - 115-230V AC (60/50 Hz)
AC to DC converter required (included).”

I’m a little uneasy about it saying 24v DC but it seems as though it runs on 12v as well.

The model ending in D4X-1 comes with a “Dual electronic box 12/24V DC 100-240V AC 50/60Hz” and costs about $220 more.

Does anyone know the difference here, and is it worthwhile to spend $200+ more for the integrated dual box? I’m guessing the main difference might be that you need to have space to mount the converter, which shouldn’t be an issue for me, but I’m curious if there is a performance/efficiency difference or any other reason why the more expensive unit with the dual box is the way to go.

Here are the links to the models I’m considering:

https://defender.com/en_us/vitrifrigo-o ... 115ixd3x-1

https://defender.com/en_us/vitrifrigo-o ... 115ixd4x-1

Thank you!

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