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View the latest post 1977 Carver 2276 sink water stoage

Good Morning

I have a 1977 Carver 2276 in great condition but missing a few items. It has two sinks, one in the Galley and one in the head. I am missing both water tanks for those. Any idea of what they would be or are spec'd? If not original, what would work...


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View the latest post 1977 Carver 2276 - items

Good Morning

I have a 1977 Carver 2276 in great condition but missing a few items. It has two sinks, one in the Galley and one in the head. I am missing both water tanks for those. Any idea of what they would be or are spec'd? If not original, what would work...
I also notice two optional seats on either side of the motor. Same question, what was there originally (spec'd) or what might work now? They would need to be mounted tot he transom or somehow removable for storage/access below in the deck


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View the latest post 1976 Carver Helm switches

Hi Guys

I can't figure out what these switchs do:
Pressure Washer (Water PRessure?)
Volts-2 (up)/Fuel Volts (down)
Both (up)/Pump (down) - switch is next to nav and anchor lights


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View the latest post Attachment(s) Hello -- New Member 2000 Carver 506

Hello everyone
New to the Forum, we just bought our first Carver, 2000 Carver 506. Our kids (11,13,15) are getting bigger so our 2000 Chaparral getting to small for us.

Very Excited for the adventure but also nervous.
Question, boat is in Baltimore MD and need to make a 40 NM trip back home to Occoquan Bay. For others that own Carver 506, with 6CTA Cummins what is your BPH and how long will the 40NM trip take you guys usually? Will stay around 17knots. I need to get it out of current marina by 3/31/25

Thanks in Advance all

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View the latest post 2006 Carver 36MY trim tab reservoir fill

Hi I have a 36' MY. The trim tab reservoir is low and there does not seem to be an easy way to get to it to fill. Is there a way without taking the entire back cabinet apart? Its below the cabinet in the aft cabin right side of bed.


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View the latest post Hard Dinghy for ‘89 3807 Aft Cabin

Greetings All,

Looking for some of your experiences and feedback.

I want a Whaler (‘80’s vintage) as my tender/dinghy for my ‘89 3807 Aft Cabin and while I know I can make a 9 footer work bow or stern, I’m wondering if I could get away with an 11 footer or would it’s length & weight be too much.
Reason for Whaler over a rib is my wife and brother who will be with me most on longer trips are both non swimmers and none of us are as young or agile as we once were (lol). I think the designed inherent buoyancy and not having to worry about inflating/deflating in a hurry would give us all a bit more peace of mind.
I already own a 13 foot ‘84 whaler I use for fishing and short day runs and considered using it for a while but thinking the length and weight of it with the stern lifting platform I would need would be way too much weight and length across the stern’s beam…
I welcome your thoughts on all of this - 9, 11, 13? Thanks.

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View the latest post Carver 430 Fuel sending unit wiring

Hey to all the 430 owner/captains out there. Im working on my fuel gauge and sending units. The gauge didn't work on any of the tanks. Come to discover that one of the PO's removed the wiring harness connecting the gauge to the tank selector switches. #facepalm... I was wondering if one of ya'll could take a picture under the helm the helm so I can recreate the wiring. Im sure I can create it on my own, but a picture would sure save me a bunch of time. Also could somebody take a picture of the aux tank sending unit? I dont think mine is grounded properly. Just a pic of the top of the tank with the wires connected would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I removed my aux tank sending unit. It was corroded and I've ordered a replacement. I also tested the fuel gauge. It did not register correctly from 33-240 ohms so I ordered a new VDO gauge too. I have traced down the pink wires to each tank. Still need to test the 3 position switch, but i'll likely just replace it...if I can get it unscrewed from the dashboard.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) 496 exhaust manifold cleaning?

My 2004 366 with Volvo Penta 8.1’s has been fresh water its whole life. Worried about the cost of new risers and manifolds, I have the marina pull the riser after survey and they sent me this pic but would not elaborate on weather this was normal/acceptable buildup and certainly no offer of cleaning. Pretty sure they’d be happy to add up the $$$$ to replace though. So again I turn to the vast body of knowledge, experience, and general wisdoms this group has to offer!
1. Is this “Normal and serviceable/acceptable”?
2. If not, can/should they be cleaned?
3. If yes, how? Could a radiator shop dip the manifolds and risers? Who does this work?

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View the latest post Coolant leak after sea trial

Well it keeps getting better.
After spending a couple months ironing out small issues after taking ownership of my 1999 445 I had it out for a full throttle run and extended motor today. When I got back in the slip and I had a "large" coolant leak. Didn't have time for true detective work. Anyone have to deal with something similar? I would like to narrow it down before starting the trouble shooting,

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View the latest post 1995 Carver 454 Cam Needed

Looking for a new cam for the 454 Crusader cannot find one at parts store anywhere part number is RH RA 050015.

Can anyone guide me to a replacement? Located in Charleston Tennessee but will drive or pay for shipping.

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