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View the latest post Rome Stopover. Tips for visiting ancient sites by yacht?

Hey Carver community!
Planning a stopover in Rome this summer with our Carver 42 during our Mediterranean cruise. I'd love to take the opportunity to visit the Roman Forum and Colosseum. Has anyone here done this excursion before? I've seen there are tourist passes and skip-the-line tickets, but I'm not sure what to choose. Also, what's the best port to dock that's not too far from these sites?
Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

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View the latest post Replacement props

I'm looking to replace two damaged props on a 1993 340 Santego. 18 x 23 four blade 1 and 3/8 shaft Would love to find something used. Do I need to have the exact same prop or is there some wiggle room

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View the latest post 406 Washer/Dryer Install Location

I have a client interested in a 2002 Carver 406. They are interested in having a washer/dryer installed. I have seen on the 430s that a washer combo can be installed in the forward cabin in the "night stand" by the bed. Does anybody have any information on where a washer/dryer combo may be or has been installed on a 406?

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View the latest post New to the forum

Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Paul Simos. I live in North Carolina and must first admit that I am a yacht broker. It gets worse. I am also not only not a Carver owner but a sailor, and I have never owned a proper motor yacht. I'm glad I got that off my chest. I also promise never to mention my employer or try to peddle my wares here. I do deal largely with motor yachts that have or will complete the Great Loop and, over time, have gained great fondness and respect for the Carver brand. Often, my clients and I alike have questions about these fine machines that are tough to answer, and I believe being a part of this family will allow me access to deep Carver knowledge so I can better represent the brand. I also will do my best to add to any discussions where my experience could be helpful to someone else, again without mentioning my employer or trying to sell as much as an oil filter for a 6BT. I appreciate that this forum exists and will now go on to ask my first, hopefully simple, question.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) New to me 82 Carver 2687 Monterey

Found this forum while searching for things about my new 2687. Overall seems to be a very sound boat and will be working on some things over the winter to prepare for the warm weather and get her in the water for the summer.

I have found one possible concern on a stringer that may or not be an issue some advice may be needed to see if its an issue or not and a repair or let it go.

On the port stringer under the motor mount area the fiberglass is not bonded to the stringer side. It is still in once piece but has like an air bubble between the glass and stringer. probably about a foot - foot and a half. Wood/metal still feels solid and no cracking in the fiberglass anywhere. I was curious if this area may be a steel channel portion that the motor mount attaches too and the glass became un-bonded from it? No cracks where the hull and stringers meet. just rear of this area there is a area that looks to be a drain channel from once side of the stringer to the other and can get my finger in there and the wood is solid there and the glass is still bonded. Hull and stern all very solid no cracking or any evidence of water in any parts of the stringers, stern, or hull. I will try to get some pictures of this area this week when I go to get some more info.

As of right now I have very little money into the boat/trailer but if this is going to be a big deal would like to cap it off now.

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View the latest post ISO Cockpit Canvas Windows 1999 404

Anyone have the canvas windows that are for the cockpit on a 1999 404? Even if they are in poor shape, I need them to make new ones, thanks.

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View the latest post Weak teak swim platform ladder

I have a 1988 42 foot carver aft cabin boat and Im afraid the teak steps leading down to the swim platform could break at any moment is there any ideas to make them stronger. its a long drop and Im 290 pounds. wish carver would have put stainless braces under them from factory! Any ideas??? :usa:

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View the latest post Hard top for Helm area of a 2005 41CMY

does anyone know where I could find plans to build a hard top for 2005 41cmy ? I want to replace the bimini with a hard top....Or is there a place were I could find one on a scrapped boat anywhere that would fit?

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View the latest post Spark plugs

Just a question, I removed a spark plug from my 8.1l HO to get the number so i can get new plugs. It’s a AC Delco 12578277 so i go on line to see where i can get them and there are prices from $6.50 to $57.00 each. Why is there such a difference? If hey are the same number they should be the same quality Right??????

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View the latest post Gas under carburetor

I was warming up my Crusader 350xl to change the oil, when I lowered the throttle all the way my RPMs dropped and the engine started to sputter. I turned the engine off and smelled gas. There was a pool of gas under the carb, maybe a couple of teaspoons. There is not a visible leak, I soaked up the gas, and no new gas has appeared. I will be contacting a mechanic and not starting the engine, but does anyone know what could have caused this and what the fix is?

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