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View the latest post Attachment(s) 366 engine room light replacement

Ok. Give up. How the H E double hockey sticks do you get to the aft engine room wall to replace the light bulbs or work with any of the electrical systems? I honestly think the entire exhaust would have to come out to get to either side and that can’t be right, right? Port side has a light and both chargers with the muffler damn near touching them. Stbd has its own light and all the switches and breakers and it’s own muffler blocking too. I even figured out how to pull up the stairs but the exhaust was still in the way. PLEASE tell me there’s an access panel over it I’m missing or maybe got covered up on a re carpet?

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View the latest post Looking for a 396

I have a close friend, looking for a 396. If you know of any, let me know. Prefer it to be in Great Lakes area. Thanks. 8-) er

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View the latest post Purging Fresh Water Holding Tank

I have a 1991 Carver 3698 aft cabin. I need some help to understand the best way to clean/purge and discharge my freshwater holding tank. Thanks.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) 2007 Carver 35 Super Sport - general information or owners manual?

Hi all,

I recently became part of the club by purchasing a 2007 Carver 35SS. First thing that strikes me as odd - what's the dang thing called? It was advertised as a 36SS, some documentation shows it indeed as a 36SS, others show 35SS. Based on much reading, I am *fairly* convinced it is a 35SS.

Admittedly, this is my first yacht purchase (I do also own a pontoon, but those are extremely simple relative to these things) and I'd hoped to find details about the layout, controls, maintenance items, etc. for this particular boat with the simplicity of entering a VIN to a car/truck and finding every detail about the thing.

For instance, just a few days after being onboard, I noticed an increasing stench that seemed to be different from the usual "marina smells", and then suddenly started smacking me in the face when I'd come inside from being outside for a time (nose blindness reset!). My brain knows - ahh, OK. This is a dirty bilge. OK - where's that at? Additionally, I replaced the factory-included TV with a more modern 43" Roku 4k TV. Pulling the original without destroying it was a HUGE undertaking - I can't even find any forums dedicated to this boat. I did finally get it done, and fabricated my own sub-frame to attach the wall hanging mount to, and it looks and functions great! Took wayyyy longer than it needed. I did find the bilge causing the problems and got it cleaned. Whew...

OK - now the ask. First, I've sniffed around this site a bit, can't seem to locate a group/link for this boat. Second, if you DO happen to have this boat (Super Sport is NOT the same or even similar layout to Sport Sedan), do you have an owners manual or a way to get one? I have found the Sport Sedan manual, and it's only somewhat helpful.

To give back to the community, I'll share what I did! It appears the original refrigerator was replaced. However, the work done was.... ehh. Lots of cut wood left exposed. Yes, I could have got trim from Home Depot, cut to size and had lots of left over materials - AND need saws and a way to clean sawdust while on a marina. Probably not cool. Instead, I ordered some square cardboard & black velvet sticky sheets. This is amazingly effective, and gives a very polished finish look, while not having to go through the hassle of typical DIY project undertaking like I'd do in my garage at home.


Karma Fridge.jpg

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Anyone remove this from your Cummins 6BTA?

My 20 year old Walker Airseps are spent and I am leaning towards replacing them with the Seaboard Marine EnviroVent System. However, with that system the preferred breather port connection is on the front timing cover. However, in that location is a tachometer made by Aetna Engineering, model 8901 (see pic below). My understanding is that this tach is used as the input to the synchronizer gauge at the helm, which I never use.

So my question: has anyone else ever removed this tach, and if so, can you confirm that it is the one that feeds the synchronizer? I know there is another tach on the transmission bell housing that I am pretty certain is the one that feeds the main tachometers, so those should not be impacted.

I would just disconnect it and fire up the engines to test it myself, but we are on the hard right now doing a bottom job, compounding/polishing the hull, aftercooler/HX cleaning and other misc projects. As such, starting the engines is not an option.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Shore Power Cord(s)

My 1995 440 aft cabin has two 50A power inlets. When I bought the boat it came with two long 50A cords which then go into a splitter, and I plug this splitter into a single 50A shore outlet. This has worked fine so I don't think I really have the need to plug into two 50A shore outlets.

We're cruising so each marina is different, but I was thinking about buying an extension since there have been a few times our cords wouldn't reach. Since we normally use only a single 50A outlet, is there a problem with buying a single long 50A cord and have a splitter on the boat end instead of on the shore power end? This would be much easier to deal with instead of hassling with two long 50A cords. Depending on the length I was thinking I could have a single 50A extension just in case.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) 2007 Carver 35SS (Super Sport) - remove microwave?

Hi all,

I just purchased a 2007 Carver 35SS, 3rd owner. I’m trying to figure out how to pull out the microwave/coffee maker combo unit and replace with a more updated convection/air fryer appliance.

There are no obvious mounting/securing screws, nor do I see a trim piece that I can remove - other than the hole cut in the cabinetry itself, this doesn’t appear to be a trim piece, like surrounding the TV or cabinet doors which may reveal screws.

All I see is a black board that seems to just be sitting on top of the microwave. It is not secured, but cut and shaped such that it’s not going anywhere, and I can’t pull it out - although I CAN wiggle it. That being the case, it doesn’t appear to be securing the microwave in place, but probably rather just stopping the microwave from bouncing around in the cavity? I don’t know.

At any rate - any advice on how I can pull this microwave? I have pulled the power from the outlet that’s inside the cabinet directly to the right of the appliance - and when I attempt to pull on the microwave (seems solidly mounted) it’s not as if it is snagging on the cord in any way that I can tell.

Any advice would be SO appreciated!

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View the latest post Boat Stink: The tale as old as time

So, since we took ownership of our 1999 445 (Diesel) we have had some Stink issues in both head areas and under the galley sink. We removed and cleaned both commodes (Muriatic acid needed to remove years of scale). Rebuilt both Vacu-flush pumps and replaced duck-bills. Also replaced the line from Aft head to grey water holding tank. The heads are now stink free but we cannot get the smell out of the cabinets area under the galley sinks. The sink plumbing is there but also the Vacuum pump for the Fwd head. Any ideas what could be the source of the odor? Frightened that it may be the line from the pump to the grey water holding tank for the Fwd head.....Help

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Carver 56" shaft length

Hello. I'm an owner of a 2006 Carver 56' Voyager and have been dealing multiple tail shaft failures on both Starboard and Port side. Prior to owning the boat in 2018 both shafts and propellers were replaced. Since owning the boat in 2021 have experienced 3 tail shaft failures. Item that continues to be discussed is the shaft length and the distance from the aft strut to the propeller hub (currently 4" and overall length of shaft is 2.25" x 122"). Failures are occurring at forward end of propeller taper and 4" aft of rubber cutlass stern bearing. Would anyone have the original design length for the shaft? Thought is that when shafts were replaced in 2018 incorrect dimensions taken and propagating the problem.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Novakool fix or live with?

Howdy all! During the survey on my ‘04 366, we found the Novakool RFS7501 ac/dc side by side fridge freeze runs well but is only running on dc. I’ve read the 101N0510 controller is the common failure on these and easy enough to replace but is a $300ish part going into a 20yr old fridge. Is it worth fixing or just deal with it till the whole thing dies? If it only worked on AC, this would be an easier decision…gotta keep the bevy’s cold on the hook! With it constantly running on dc, I have to imagine that’s wearing on (I’m assuming) the house battery bank? Looks like the replacement fridge is $1800+…how long do these generally last? What are your thoughts?

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