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Looking to purchase a 2004 Carver36 Sport Sedan
Posted: September 16th, 2015, 9:53 pm
by curtismc
I'd like to get some input and your opinions on this boat. We made an offer on it today. 2004 Carver36 Sport Sedan. It has 8.1 Liter Gas Volvos. Both thrusters.
Re: Looking to purchase a 2004 Carver36 Sport Sedan
Posted: September 16th, 2015, 11:42 pm
by RGrew176
Can't offer much other than to say, Nice Boat. Good luck with the purchase, hope all goes well.
Re: Looking to purchase a 2004 Carver36 Sport Sedan
Posted: September 17th, 2015, 12:27 am
by Lyndon670
Nice design, great bulletproof motors with more than enough power.
Good luck!
Re: Looking to purchase a 2004 Carver36 Sport Sedan
Posted: November 21st, 2015, 4:42 pm
by smeacher
I'm new to the forum, and looking for the same vessel and year. I'm moving from sailboats. The wife got hooked on a description that included cocktail parties and sunsets, so it looks like I may be driving a condo around in the near future. The 36 has as much useable salon area as the 39s, just fewer staterooms and heads.
Make sure to get a current survey. I've learned that a number of the boats I've looked at have been sitting, some for quite awhile; and in my experience this leads to lots of things not working right. Two visits to the same boat a month or so apart, and found shore power off this time. The broker turned it back on and a pump somewhere made a terrible racket...bilge pump? Just a hint. Good luck.