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Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

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Scurvy Dog
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Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby Rams » March 22nd, 2024, 1:21 pm

I have a 2001 Voyager 450. Does anyone know how to remove the original convection microwave? It does not simply pull out and I can’t see any obvious screws….would really appreciate some guidance….thanks

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Re: Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby bud37 » March 22nd, 2024, 1:28 pm

Welcome to the forum.......if that is an original look under the cabinet where it is. Mine was screwed from underneath to a board attached to the inside of the cabinet. Screws were behind/ under such things as the window blinds. Quite inventive, just get a real bright light and take a real good look around......oh had to remove front cabinet fascia, that was the easy part.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:
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Topic author Canada
Scurvy Dog
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Re: Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby Rams » March 23rd, 2024, 3:30 am

Thanks for the welcome and reply. Not really sure how to look underneath it as it kind of backs into the closet area that is down below next to the guest bathroom. The closet area is lined with kind of a headliner type material. I can see the board which you mention that the microwave is attached to. Will have to also look more closely on how to get the front wood fascia off that you were mentioning…don’t want to pull on it too hard and have it break or tear the backing it is attached to…There are no window coverings close to the underside of where the microwave sits….
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Re: Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby bud37 » March 23rd, 2024, 7:45 am

Yep, mine was a different model than yours but they follow the same sort of procedures to mount things. That board on mine was screwed from underneath up, then once removed, the board was attached to the micro feet from under again..... now yours may be on the inside down, my guess would be the fascia will have to come off to get the micro out anyway, does that seem to be the case ?
Hopefully someone with the exact model will chime in. The wood fascia on my model just pulled off, was mounted with some sort of spring clips.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:
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Topic author Canada
Scurvy Dog
Scurvy Dog
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Re: Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby Rams » March 27th, 2024, 1:49 am

Thanks…got it done today. The key like you said was to get the fascia off (4 screws), then found the board to be screwed top down at the front (2 screws). Then the board and micro slid out. Thanks for the help/suggestions….
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Re: Voyager 450 Convection Microwave Removal

Postby bud37 » March 27th, 2024, 10:01 am

Glad to help, thanks for posting the resolution...... :down:
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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