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Engine hatches are concave

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Engine hatches are concave

Postby Seif911 » April 24th, 2013, 9:25 am

Good Morning All,
So the engine hatches can support my weight with now problems, however they are concave, by maybe 3/4" dip in the middle. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Can I just rip the wood off it from below and then replace it with new wood to straighten it?

22' Godfrey Hurricane Fun Deck, Fiberglass hull, 175 HP, Deck boat
24' Chrysler Cruiseliner III (Lonestar), 120 HP, Aluminum Hull, Cabin, 1968
33' Carver Mariner, fiberglass hull, 520 HP, Yacht, 1977

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Re: Engine hatches are concave

Postby waybomb » April 24th, 2013, 1:10 pm

My engine hatches are all fiberglass. If yours a underpinned with wood, and the wood is shot, I'd try to remove the wood, replace it while getting the hatches staright, and then form some fiberglass ribs to keep it level and strong.

But that's what I would do, maybe not what you should do!
1969 Glaspar Avalon /1967 Johnson Electromatic 85
1987 Carver Mariner
1988 Cougar Kevlar 46' with triple blown 572 ci
1995 Boston Whaler Rage
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Re: Engine hatches are concave

Postby Seif911 » April 24th, 2013, 2:41 pm

I believe the top is fiberglass but the bottom is wood based. I'll try one first and see if I can pull the wood off and straighten it with new wood like u suggest.

22' Godfrey Hurricane Fun Deck, Fiberglass hull, 175 HP, Deck boat
24' Chrysler Cruiseliner III (Lonestar), 120 HP, Aluminum Hull, Cabin, 1968
33' Carver Mariner, fiberglass hull, 520 HP, Yacht, 1977
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Vessel Info: 1995 Boston Whaler Rage15
1987 3697 Carver Mariner
1988 Cougar 46 Kevlar Vee offshore
1969 15' Glasspar / 1967 Johnson Electromatic 85
Location: Saint Joseph,Mi
Has thanked: 53 times
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Re: Engine hatches are concave

Postby waybomb » April 24th, 2013, 6:12 pm

I would then glass the wood in and also form some extra support so they don't bend again.
1969 Glaspar Avalon /1967 Johnson Electromatic 85
1987 Carver Mariner
1988 Cougar Kevlar 46' with triple blown 572 ci
1995 Boston Whaler Rage
Past - 1988 2807, 1989 4207 Aft
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Re: Engine hatches are concave

Postby henry » January 13th, 2014, 11:24 am

I had the same problem with my 1987 carver mariner . the bottom of the hatches is covered with fiberglass. sandwiched inbetween is wood in small rectangles like a parkay flooring. u have to cut the bottom fiberglass as close to the edge and possible to gain access to the wood. most of the wood pieces will just fall out however a lot will still attached with the resin to the upper fiberglass. takes time to free them with a putty knife. ones i had mine cleaned out i used a cut to fit piece of marine plywood 3/4 in thick sealed the wood with paint and installed with a silicone sealant.

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