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Window leaks

Anything related to the operation of your boat. Steering, Bilge Pumps, thru-hulls, bottom paint, etc.
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United States of America
Scurvy Dog
Scurvy Dog
Posts: 1
Joined: January 17th, 2018, 7:11 am
Vessel Info: 1975 Carver 3297
1982 Carver 3607

Re: Window leaks

Postby clsandquist » January 17th, 2018, 7:45 am

I had a 1975 Carver 3297 with leaks and all. I even went to the point where I replaced everything wood from the hull up. Deck, Flybridge, windows. etc. I West Systemed the bare wood and joints. Still leaked. I disassembled it and fiberglassed window sills and deck including rounding the flang at the bottom of the windows. Still leaked.I finally figured out a simple inexpensive solution.
I went to the local Menards, Home Depot, or Lowes, I my case Menards and bought lengths of brown rain gutter and a bunch of end caps. I also bought about 50 feet of some cheap clear tubiing or hose to fit on thru hull fittings. Then I went to West Marine (Boats US at that time) and bought about 4 thru hull flush fittings.
I then took the gutters and cut them to size to fit under the deck from inside the salon. I fasten them to the board that acts as part or the window track facia and let the gutter or trough portion hang under the deck from the inside. I put end caps on each end and drilled a hole in one end for a thru hull fitting. Secure the thru hull fitting with some silicone so it doesn't leak and then attach the hose and run it down where the floor hits the hull. That is not a tight fit. BINGO problem solved. No leaks in the salon or stateroom or where ever. BTW I forgot to mention that when you attach the gutter make sure it is NOT level you want it anlged toward the end of the gutter that has the thru hull fitting attached.
That solution lasted until the boat was finally junked about 10 years later. That was about 2002. But the solution is still talked about today at that marina by the old timers that were there when I did it. In fact has been successfully used by Carver owners in that marina and with that vintage of boat, ever since.

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Re: Window leaks

Postby bud37 » January 17th, 2018, 8:31 am

Welcome to the forum, any pics of your repair?
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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