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How to store spare props on a 560

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 10:45 pm
by Txcruiser
I would appreciate photos showing a good method of carrying spare props on a 560 Voyager. Thanks.

Re: How to store spare props on a 560

Posted: November 27th, 2017, 10:23 am
by LarryHedden
My spare props are stored between the A/C unit and the power cable tubs in the aft of the boat stacked on top of each other. Hard to get in and out but so far they just take it space. 2004 560 v0yager

Re: How to store spare props on a 560

Posted: December 5th, 2017, 7:02 am
by Viper
Where ever you put them, ensure they are mechanically secured, and that the mechanism is robust enough to handle the load. If they bounce/slide around in rough seas they can cause a lot of damage. This goes for anything stored in the bilge like a spare anchor, shaft, bbq, or anything else. Smaller items like spare oil, parts, etc. should be in secured containers with locking lids. For the smaller items, I like using battery boxes. They're easy to secure and are vented. Some of the things I've seen unsecured in bilges are pretty scary when you think of what could go wrong. The most common are ropes, spare running gear, anchors, outboards, bbqs, and portable fuel containers full of fuel :-O