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Hatch replacements

Posted: August 16th, 2016, 4:25 pm
by gatehopper
Hi all, does anyone know where I can purchase hatch replacement units for a 3297 carver mariner.
The recessed design must make them specific to carver.

Re: Hatch replacements

Posted: August 16th, 2016, 5:52 pm
by mjk1040
I had the same boat, same year and I could not find an exact replacement. If you do find one close to the same size you will find that the screw holes will not line up, so you will have to glass or epoxy all the original holes, templet the new hatch and drill new holes. Once you have all that done you will need to put a good bead of sealant down and lightly draw down the new screws and let the sealant dry for 24 hours to form a seal and then screw them down tight. If you screw them down with fresh sealant it will squeeze out and most likely you will have leaks. Good Luck! Mike