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2000 C530 Bilge Blowers

Posted: December 12th, 2018, 2:50 am
by CaptFred
I inspected my bilge blowers today - on the C530 there are a total of 4 - 2 each port and starboard. With the ignition key "on" I noticed that 1 blower comes on each site - and it's the outside fan on both port & starboard. The 2nd fan does not come on. I then started the engines - and only 1 blower on each side remains on. I have not been able to see all 4 bilge blowers running at once.

All breaker switches on turned on. The C530 does not have a bilge blower switch - they come on automatically when engine is started.

Does anyone know how the bilge blowers are supposed to work? Should all 4 come on at start up? Is there some type of temp control that activates the 2nd fan on each side?

Thanks - any insight greatly appreciated!


Re: 2000 C530 Bilge Blowers

Posted: December 12th, 2018, 5:36 pm
by Cooler
CaptFred, you are correct. The blower system is designed to ventilate at all times while engines are running, and also to keep the engine room at a reasonable temperature. The second set of blowers will turn on if the engine room reaches an elevated temp, not safe for human occupancy. You could call Carver for that temp set, or contact the OEM of your blowers. OEM, with contact info, is found in your owners manual.