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Gasoline Source

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 8:42 pm
by tonyiiiafl
On my 1994 390 CPMY there are three gas tanks, one for port engine, one for starboard, and a reserve tank that each can share. According to the manual, the genset (kohler) runs off of the Port tank. I looked around and first of all, found NO gas filter to the genset. Anyone have one? Where is it? Secondly, if I switch the petcock from "port" to "aft" tank, does the genset also draw off of the aft reserve tank?

As you all know, or should by now, I "topped off" the port tank by tossing the garden hose into it and turned on the water. I have a fuel/gas polisher coming next Thursday, 08/10, and I am leaving on a 10 day trip Sunday, and have 6 spare gas filters/water separators. Although it would be a PITA, I was thinking of running the 10 days we are on vacation, on the starboard tank, and have the port engine just draw from the aft "reserve" tank. That way, I won't have to worry about changing filters while we are underway if a problem with the gas polishing job comes up. The company said I would have to change the filter 2 or 3 times after they removed the water and cleaned the gasoline. I would miss the extra 100 gallons of gas, but getting gas at each port would not be so bad, just expensive.

Thoughts? Ideas? Yea? Nay? I still feel like a stupid $hit, but what is done is done. :usa:


Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 9:12 pm
by bud37
Tony, I think if it were me, I would trace out the fuel lines to the gen to make sure they are what they never know what has been done down there unless you have owned since new.
Do you use the aux tank regularly??, if so seems ok to me, but if these guys do the job right, then why can't you run as normal ??

Oh and to add, got to the marina one day and the staff there that gas up boats all day every day, filled the water tank on a rather large boat with gas.....expensive and dangerous repair there.......yikes....

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 9:15 pm
by Viper
The typical set up is that you can't switch the generator to draw from another tank. I've installed selector valves to do that in a few boats but usually the option is not there. Best to follow the fuel line.

Don't know if they're all set up this way for 35, 39, etc. but I've seen a few generator spin-on fuel filters installed in front of the generators down low between the inboard stringers.[image][/image]

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 10:13 pm
by g36
On my 405 my kohler genset has this fuel filter installed oem. It's inline right where the fuel line comes to the engine. If you have never changed it may be painted the same as the engine, look real close at the fuel line. ... zUQAvD_BwE

My 405 does have a genset selector for my fwd port and stbd tanks. And i have 2 aux tanks aft thinking your boat is basically li k e a 355 with a cockpit and 3 tanks

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 11:12 pm
by tomschauer
The small inline is what I have on my genset also. Mine also only pulls from the port tank. Someday I will change it to the aux tank.

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 3rd, 2017, 6:54 am
by Viper
Yes the Kohlers have the on-board secondary fuel filters in-line as described above, thought Tony was looking for a primary spin-on. Some vessels have them, some don't.

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 3rd, 2017, 5:48 pm
by tonyiiiafl
I followed the line back to where it disappears and saw no in line or otherwise filter. Guess I am installing one!

Re: Gasoline Source

Posted: August 3rd, 2017, 7:02 pm
by Viper
What model generator do you have? Most used in your vessel type typically have one in the generator as G36 has posted. If it has never been changed, it'll likely be painted white and is right where the fuel line hooks up to the genset. Looks like a fitting but is a filter as noted in the link above.