While looking for a boat, I went on about four Carvers including the one I purchased. Every boat we went on had a smell that I have since been told is "Potty Boat". All of the owners and brokers advised that the boats had just been closed up for a while. I can air it out, but it never really leaves its just not as bad. I did have a local sanitation contractor come on board to let me know what he thought about the clog. After an hour long sales pitch he left with his price of $6000.00 to fix it.
I have since been reading alot and have decided to replace the sanitation lines to alleviate the clog and hopefully the odor. But it appears that the sanitation lines often fail and are pricey. I want to replace the current lines with Medium-density polyethylene (MDPE). It is flexible and impervious to permeation. My problem is, I cannot find it available in 1 1/2 ID near me. Any thoughts are appreciated.