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What is this hailing speaker for?

Discussion of radars, GPS, autopilots, stereos and TV's. Also iPad and other mobile navigation devices.
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What is this hailing speaker for?

Postby Seif911 » June 21st, 2013, 9:04 am

Good Morning All,
So I wanted to scare the kids in front of the boat and found that the thing I thought was a horn is a hailing speaker. What is this the purpose for this?

I now have to reconnect the thing I thought was a broken radio!

22' Godfrey Hurricane Fun Deck, Fiberglass hull, 175 HP, Deck boat
24' Chrysler Cruiseliner III (Lonestar), 120 HP, Aluminum Hull, Cabin, 1968
33' Carver Mariner, fiberglass hull, 520 HP, Yacht, 1977

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Re: What is this hailing speaker for?

Postby CYO Admin » June 21st, 2013, 9:06 am

It's a bullhorn for a boat :) I don't recommend using it to communicate with other nearby boaters or dock hands :D
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Re: What is this hailing speaker for?

Postby AaHubb » June 21st, 2013, 9:37 am

Depending on your radio, it may also be a fog horn.
'99 404 CPMY
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Re: What is this hailing speaker for?

Postby Seif911 » June 21st, 2013, 10:02 am

I think I remember seeing something about a horn selection. Maybe it is a multiuse? I can't wait to hook it back into the power again.

22' Godfrey Hurricane Fun Deck, Fiberglass hull, 175 HP, Deck boat
24' Chrysler Cruiseliner III (Lonestar), 120 HP, Aluminum Hull, Cabin, 1968
33' Carver Mariner, fiberglass hull, 520 HP, Yacht, 1977

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